Over 10 years in Employment law
Over 22 years in Immigration law
Over 10 years in Family law
5* Rated lawyer
Over 10 years in Employment law 〰️ Over 22 years in Immigration law 〰️ Over 10 years in Family law 〰️ 5* Rated lawyer 〰️
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DD 020 3963 7316 MOB 07512810472
Advocating in Immigration Employment & Family law with a passion since 2003.
The founder of Piya Legal, Piya Mayenin joined as a consultant in Taylor Rose five years ago. Taylor Rose is a Top 75 law firm in the United Kingdom with its headquarter in Peterborough with branches all around the country, and it has over 1000 experts.
A leading lawyer in her areas , Piya works with a passion to achieve the goals of the client successfully.
With over 22 years of experience, as a paralegal and then a qualified solicitor, Piya has the insight, experience , expertise and the maturity to handle your matter safely and successfully, whatever your concern or cause may be.
Piya Mayenin, founder Piya Legal & consultant solicitor at Taylor Rose.
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